40k drop pod bombers
40k drop pod bombers

40k drop pod bombers

Dropping those heavy boaters on a broken infantry/Light vehicle unit can be huge etc. Being able to drop a long range cannon shot to snipe of a single hydra or artillery piece in a Gaurd armies unit of 3 can be great. Also don't underestimate the effectiveness of the guns. The real challenge is like terminators, dropping the engage move in the right spot at the right time to do maximum damage and not end up losing the hawk or the cargo. If you aren't running thunder Hawks don't expect to win a game because these are one of your best advantages. Thunderhawks - marines are all about hitting hard in the right places. Every turn they are I reserve robs you of an activation so timing is a big issue. The only big drawback here is that you will need to wait/find the ideal place to attack and a good opponent won't make this easy. The ideal usage will see them dropping in during turn 1-2, being collected by a Thunderhawk and then dropped again in turn 2-3. Some players will take 2 units and throw in a commander so that they can both be drawn into a single engage move, others will invest in a chaplain for the inspiring, it's really personal choice. The risk though is that you need to keep them safe after the engage move, ATSKNF does go a long way in that respect. If you can find a spot where your opponent s vulnerable and then hit hard it will be critical. The most common tactic would be to either load them into a Thunderhawk for deployment or just teleport them in drawing on your high strategy rating to hopefully go first. Terminators - easily the best unit in the space marine army and the one whose correct use will determine your best outcomes. I also think they are interesting as an engagement unit both as support fire and as the ones who trigger engagement. Spread them out to avoid copping too many hits on them and use their scout and speed to grab objectives. Yes they are light vehicles but with a solid armour save its not so bad. Land speeders - similar to scouts, fast, flexible and with their macro toting multi melta they are super flexible. Use them to mess up enemy movement or even just hold them back so that they can grab objectives while the more important troops in your army can focus on killing stuff. Scouts - as a cheap activation they would be good by themselves but combined with their transport and extra control zone scouts are brilliant. Trying for an engage with these guys can be risky as they are slow outside of rhinos and at risk inside them, you could draw upon the hig strat rating of marines to move them up at the end of a turn and then engage from out of the rhinos.

40k drop pod bombers

The important thing to remember is that marines can't outshoot anything so it's all about getting these guys into a support position of an enemy unit then something else engages it. An ideal place to park your hunter and usually a brilliant blitz Gaurd which can move out in their rhinos if needed. Tactical marines - most builds won't include more than 1 of these (though that's very different in some to the alternate lists like imperial fists) but they are super flexible. certainly the more recently approved imperial fists and space wolf armies would appear to be more powerful on paper than the standard codex marines but that is a result of them being more specialised so it is a double edged blade in many respects. This is not a reason to avoid them just something to be aware of, you will need patience, you should expect to lose a few games etc. Some races just have access to far stronger choices than others, without going into great detail the top of this power pyramid would include Eldar with Gaurd not far behind while the bottom of the pyramid would be filled with Ghazghull Thrakas Orks and Tyranids in general. The other thing to consider is that in my mine there is no real balance between the armies of the Epic universe. So for those thinking about building a marine chapter it's all about building a force that hits hard enough that the enemy can't hit back, timing is everything. Basically marines are a strike force, all of your troops are great but you won't get heaps of them and if you use them poorly you'll lose the attrition game every time. Sadly though in Epic 40k they are not an ideal learning army and can be quite tricky to learn. Possibly the most iconic force in the 40k and 30k worlds and the most common force you will n counter on a Warhammer 40k tabletop.

40k drop pod bombers